~Extreme Pinball Obtained off the internet, compiled by Rich "Weeds" Nagel Cheats, etc.... While in the main menu with the cursor on "Balls", hit (at the same time): BAL -13 balls. While playing a table, hit: -does a screen capture in PCX format in the EXTREME directory. 1 (top of keyboard) -turn off ant-gravity. 2 (top of keyboard) -turn on anti-gravity. (gray key) -quickexit to DOS. -changes the color of the scoreboard. Z -nudge right. / -nudge left. -nudge. While playing SOME tables, hit: -changes ball type. -sound effect. -sound effect. -sound effect. At the DOS command prompt type EXTREME x to bypass the main menu and go directly to that table (x= a, b, c, or d). As far as other cheats there are all kinds of neat stuff. The file USER.TXT in your EXTREME directory contains the info for all of the physics of the game (ball speed, flipper strength, number of balls, tilt sensitivity etc...). Use a text editor to edit this file, but make sure you make a backup copy of it before you start twiddling with it. It is essential to the operation of the game. Also I have found that after editing this file I had to sometimes delete the PARAM.DAT file to make the new physics work (the game will create a new one). The TABLE_x.PCX files are the background pics of the tables while playing the game (I have already stuck my mug up on the the "Urban Chaos" table ). The FRAME_x.PCX files tell the game where the ball can go and not go depending on the color of the area. Use a paint program to modify these (you can make the "Urban Chaos" table have a constant "Bullet Proof Vest" or edit the table so that there is no way to lose the ball ). Simply look at the color of the borders of the table, select that color, and draw away! Make sure to back up any files that you modify and don't change the palette of the pic as you can make a real mess of things. If you have a SoundBlaster 16 and aren't happy with the sound, try this. You will need a HEX editor such as Diskedit form the Norton Utilities (be sure that you know how to use it!). Change the bytes in the file MDRV004R.MUS at offsets 612 and 613 (hex 0263 and 0264) from hex 84 and 4E (ASCII 132 and 78) to 00 and FF (ASCII 0 and 255). It's worth a try, it makes mine sound MUCH better.